Congratulations to our own Dr. Kristine Eng for being listed on Newsweek “America’s Best Eye Doctors 2021!

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A letter from Dr. Lewis

Hi folks,
It’s with a heavy heart I write this. After thirteen years in Orinda, it’s time for me to move on.
As of this week I’ll no longer be seeing patients.

If there is one thing I’ve learned from you… The younger years with kids – they are a precious gift that slips away very quickly.

I’ve kept family a top priority – and “house-holding” a big part of that.
I’ll be spending more time working on other pursuits, closer to our home in San Francisco. And yes, I’ll be surfing a bit more.
Rest assured that Dr. Kristine Eng and Dr. Kelly Shintani will continue to provide you with top-quality eye care at the same location.

As many of you already know, your new home is a truly amazing one.

Orinda Optometry Group has always felt like family to me – which is the main reason we merged two years ago.

I am impressed with the caliber of talent and quality of care demonstrated by Drs. Eng and Shintani.

They and their staff are committed to your total eye health and will continue providing comprehensive, personalized eye health care with the latest in state-of-the-art technology.

I have great faith in them and I know you will enjoy getting to know them as your eye health care providers.

I can’t tell you how many times a patient has come into the exam and started off by saying, dead pan serious: “You know, Dr. Lewis….My vision is very, very important to me!”

Part of me always smiles a little on the inside.

Yet another part of me takes that very seriously. This group feels the same way. Many of you have become like family over the years.

I sometimes joke that I see many of you more than I see my own relatives. It’s true.

And it’s a magical experience to be able to connect with such an amazing and diverse group of people.

I’ll miss that and I’ll miss you.

I feel confident that I am leaving you in good hands.

Despite the changes occurring at Orinda Optometry Group, there is one thing that will never change: their dedication to your complete vision wellness.

Thank you for your support and farewell.




Dr. Lewis